Monday 3 January 2011


Vanessa Hudgens Sugar Magazine August 2009 Cover Photo - United KingdomThe title I have chosen for my magazine is ECOUTE, meaning listen in french. To gain ideas I have looked at mastheads on existing magazines. I chose the magazine sugar to look at the style of masthead. The font is very rounded and girly along with the colour choice of pink, this shows that it is aimed at a younger audience. I then looked at a cover from Vogue magazine which uses a similar colour scheme to Sugar, however I wanted to show the difference  between the two. Vogue appears a far more mature magazine which is aimed at older women and you can tell this from this way its set out.

Here i have chosen an idea for my own masthead, this is how Iwould like it to look on my front cover. However I would change the colour. I think that this masthead is almost like an inbetween of the Sugar and Vogue mastheads. The font is not too young but again not too formal. I changed my idea from ambition to Ecoute as I felt ambition was not relavent to music and the sort of magazine I wanted to do. Ecoute is a french word meaning listen, I felt this was more suitable. 

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