Thursday 27 January 2011

Analyse of a Contents page (men's lifestyle)

The magazine I have chosen to analyse is FHM.
The magazine has been in publication since 1985, the magazine was originally published as For Him magazine but changed its name to FHM in 1994. It's a monthly men's lifestlye magazine.
Like the Glamour magazine FHM is set out over two pages, allowing the information to be more spread out with more detail as to what is on each of the pages. However on this magazine FHM is not written at the top of the magazine instead the reader is informed that this is the contents page and also the month of the issue. This contents page uses the same model as the cover, except a different style of image. This image takes up most of the first page, at the bottom the reader is told where to find this page in hte magazine. The language is obviously aimed at the male reader by the way she is described to the auidence.
The way this page is set out is much clearer compared to Glamour magazine, the page number is there is bold red along with what the page is aobut is bold black. Then you are given a brief piece of information as to what the article/ page is about.
I have noticed that at the bottom of the page, the Bauer icon is printed, this is the company that own and publish the magazine.
On the second page the information is far more brief with just page numbers and what is on that page. Again half the page is taken up by a picture of a half naked women, the page number is given in the bottom corner of this image. Overall, womens magazines have more information on them compared to a mens magazine. FHM only uses two main images but these are the main focus of the page. There is a colour scheme of yellow, black, white and red but this does not match with the cover style.

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