Thursday 6 January 2011

Contents Page.

In style magazine

The In Style magazine contents page does not use the same colour scheme as the cover however it is still similar. They have chosen the same person to model on the contents though. The issue number and date are printed very small at the top of the page. They have used the masthead again at the top of this page however half of it is covered over by the model. Many magazines appear to use this technique, often because customers would already recognise the masthead and title by its font and layout. 

The first things of which they have focused on is what is on the cover of their magazine, this is what the reader is likely to be most interested in. It is set out very clear to the reader of what they want and where they'll find it. 

I have chosen to again look at in style magazine because my target audience is women and i would like to base Ecoute  (my own magazine) on magazines such as, smash hits, vogue, X magazine etc.

I have noticed on this page that they have not used the same font consistently but instead used a variety of fonts. The numbers of the pages are all done in the same font and so are the headings and description of each page.

The page all includes a box all about your own look so readers will know about it and want to read more about it. Another noticable thing on this magazine is a the bottom they have advertisied a subscription to In Style magazine, this is a great idea as it then guarentee's readers for 12 issues. This stands out as it is done in a black bow at the bottom but it does still fit the colour scheme of the page.

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