Thursday 6 January 2011

Content page

Q magazine
The contents page of Q magazine matches the colour scheme of the front cover. It stands out to the reader that this is where you can find all the information about this magazine. It is made clear at the top of the page what issue number that this is. Also in the top right hand corner is an image of the front cover.

When you look at this contents page it appears to be very structured. The main articles which are likely to attract it's target audience are on the first contents page. Page numbers are indicated in bold font so that its clear to the reader where and what you will find.

On the first content page, two images are included, both being of bands. On the main image a page number stands out in the bottom left hand corner, information is also included about this page at the bottom with arrows next to it showing that it links to the picture.

The colour scheme is carried on throughout most of it's magazine that are published, using colours such as red, white and black.

On the second page the articles are all in order whereas the first contents page was the best picks. This page includes more images on the last but there is less focus on the pictures as they are smaller. The page gives you short quick information about the pages.

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