Thursday 21 April 2011

Overall feedback

Front Cover
I have been told that my front cover is strong but there are a few things that need changing...
-Possibly change the colour of my strapline and move it up slightly so its more visable.
-Put an outline around the masthead to neaten it and also make it stand out more.
- Add a date and issue number.
-Add some more text and change the layout slightly.
Some people also mentioned about the background colour wasn't usually what you would see on a front cover and it may look better if it was a lighter colour that matched the colour scheme.
-Check spelling and punctuation

Iwas told by a few people that my contents is my strongest page and only need minor adjustments to it. A strength of my contents is the ways it's set out.
- I need to add page numbers to the contents however.

Double page spread
I need to make some changes to my DPS to make it stronger...
-Add page numbers
-Add a caption box in the corner of the main image, just a few words to sum up the picture overall.
-Add a title to the picture for example, exclusive/ cover star etc.
-Change the text layout and add some more text.
-Put frames around the snap shot pictures, add clip art.. maybe paper clips or old style photo effect.

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