Friday 22 April 2011

Changes to my front cover

Here I have added both of my front covers, before and after the final editing. The cover on the right is how it looked before I made the changes. Over all I have changed quite a few things based on the feedback I was given. I decided to keep the same picture but lighten the background to pinky colour which fits into the colour scheme better than the dark brown on the previous cover did. Although you might not be able to see it on here, above the barcode I have added a issue number and a date. I changed the strapline slightly however this was difficult to find a colour that fitted the colour scheme but at the same time didn't blend into the background, this is the reason I have stuck with white. I aslo added a competition to my front cover as before this area looked blanked, as if it needed something there. I am happy with the improvements I have made to my front cover and think that it is suitable for my target audience.  

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