Monday 20 December 2010


Hey, My name is Amy.
My magazine is going to be called Ambition. The aim of my magazine is to attract a teenage audience and create something that isnt already in the market. It will include articles anf interviews from bands, along with photos from concerts which will also be included in this magazine.
The reader will be aimed at older teenage girls around 15-19. The type of magazine that i would like to create is something different but at the same time simiular to magazines already out there. At the moment i feel that there is no inbetween from young teenage magazines to an older young adults magazine being aimed at women in there 20's. This is where Ambition comes in. It will be similar to the X magazine which was recently launched in September. The frequency of my magazine will be monthly.
I think that my magazine is a good idea as it fills that gap in the market where there isn't an inbetween for 15 to 19 years old.

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