Monday 20 December 2010

Researching other magazines

In style
-          Women’s mainstream fashion/ style magazine  
-          The magazine is owned and published by IPC.

It was launched in 1994 and is still running today 16 years later.
Masthead: In Style, however the magazine does not have a strap-line or a puff alongside this.
The price of the magazine is £3.60 
The house still of this cover is red, white, black and grey which are used in a more feminine way. The cover appears quite simple but bold. The main colour and focus is the model/ celebrity on the cover.
The pictures are modelled and posed for.
Font stands out but is quite feminine, some words are done in bold which will attract more attention. 
The language is quite chatty/ in formal for example – “Wear it now” and “you’ll never look better”
Free gifts are given away with this magazine to suit the target audience for example this month a vintage style hand cream was given away. The reader is often told the price that the free gift is worth somewhere in the magazine.
The frequency of this magazine is monthly.

Competitors are magazines like Vogue, this is a very popular magazine that also focus’ on fashion, gossip etc but is mainly made up of advertising. In Style magazine also uses a lot of advertising.
The women’s magazine market is estimated to be worth £700 million in 2008.  Fashion brands and retailers have a long standing relationship with women’s magazines.
In Style magazine currently has a circulation of 1.7 billion.
Its editor is Ariel Foxman.
In Style also runs a companion website which is updated daily-
This offers content similar to the magazine along with interactive advertising features Product finder and Web exclusive coverage of celeb parties.  

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