Friday 11 March 2011

Stages of my contents page

This is the first stage of my contents page. I added my magazine title logo to the top right hand corner. I also chose the same font as my front cover to write contents along the top. I then added in the picture I had wanted to use on the contents page.

The second stage I then added a cirle to create colour on the page. Also this was to add a letter on it from the editor. I changed the colour of the text as obviously pink wouldn't show up on the circle. I added a line across the top with the date/ month. Then I added a page number on the picture.

The third stage I added text to the circle and also a picture of the "editor". I added a line to put "on the cover" on and then I can write underneath about the things that were on the cover.

The fianl stage was just simply adding text and what was going to feature in the magazine.

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